Food Around The World

The Nordic Diet Plan

The Nordic diet plan is a traditional northern european diet plan including traditional home made and home sourced foods -not processed or pre prepared foods .Consisting of a variety of vegetables , fruits, seeds , grains , poultry and game meats. It is an eco friendly version of the popular healthy mediterranean diet. It only uses seasonal produce in balance with nature and follows the principles of a healthy balanced diet of proteins , carbohydrates and good fats. The Nordic diet plan includes - full consultation and food diary analysis , lifestyle  analysis, before and after pictures, slimming secrets of the diet plan, full recommendation plan for a healthy nutritious nordic diet based on your goals and nordic recipe suggestions and follow up consultation,

Price on Application 

The Mediterranean Diet Plan

In one study people who consumed the mediterranean traditional diet plan lost an average of 8% of body weight compared to other diets, as well as having other health benefits such as better heart health, lower blood pressure and less risks of cancer. So the benefits of introducing a mediterranean influence to your every day nutrition plan is beneficial. The mediterranean diet plan will include full consultation and food diary analysis , lifestyle analysis, and before and after pictures, slimming secrets, full recommendation plan for a healthy nutritious mediterranean diet based on your goals, mediterranean recipes , and follow up consultation.

Price On Application

The Asian Diet Plan

The Body Coach Asian diet plan is based on japanese influenced ingredients as the obesity rate in Japan is less than 4% .The countries traditional diet has long been known as the worlds healthiest diet and some  people in Okinawa region of Japan are 4-5 times more likely to live to 100 years of age compared to other countries. So a diet plan based on the theme of Japanese cultural nutrition would be beneficial to most. The Asian diet plan will include a full consultation, food diary analysis, life style analysis and before and after pictures, slimming secrets, full recommendation plan for a healthy nutritious Asian diet based on your goals , asian recipe suggestions and follow up consultation.

Price on Application

The Australasian Diet Plan

Before European settlers arrived in Australia there was a thriving food culture , one that happily sustained the aborigine people for tens of thousands of years. This food culture is known as bush tucker. Australasian native foods have seen a revival over the last 2 decades. It is not uncommon to see kangaroo meat in the supermarkets now .The Body Coach Fitness Australasian diet plan follows the principles of Australian dietary guidelines and will include a full consultation, food diary analysis, lifestyle analysis, before and after pictures, slimming secrets, a full recommendation plan for a healthy nutritious Australasian diet based on your goals, Australasian recipes suggestions and a full follow up consultation.

Price on Application

The Far East Indian Plan

The Body Coach Fitness Far east Indian plan is based on Indian influenced food ingredients. Indian food can be both delicious and healthy with the plethora of vegetables of all colours and rich with antioxidants and fibre. This makes Indian food attractive to health conscious vegetarians and vegans. Body Coach Fitness has developed this advisory nutrition plan and food intolerance testing package to help improve your health .The far east Indian plan will include a full consultation, food diary analysis ,life style analysis , before and after pictures, slimming secrets , full recommendation plan for a healthy nutritious Indian diet based on your goals, Indian recipe suggestions and a full follow up consultation.

Price on Application

The Middle East Diet Plan

Although the middle east is not strictly classed as a continent it is still an important area of influence in cuisine. So Body Coach Fitness has developed a unique dietary plan from this region. The Body Coach Fitness Middle East diet plan will include a full consultation, food diary analysis, life style analysis, before and after pictures, slimming secrets, middle eastern recipe suggestions and a full follow up consultation.

Price on Application

The North American Diet Plan

Body Coach Fitness has developed a bespoke North American diet plan with native north American influenced food and cuisine. The North American diet plan will include a full consultation , food diary analysis , life style analysis and before and after pictures, slimming secrets, full recommendation plan for a healthy nutritious North American diet based on your goals ,North American recipe suggestions and a full follow up consultation.

Price on Application

The African Diet Plan

Body Coach Fitness has developed a new African diet plan with optional customised bespoke food intolerance testing as well. The African diet plan will include a full consultation , food diary analysis , life style analysis, before and after pictures, slimming secrets, a full recommendation plan for a healthy nutritious African continent diet based on your goals, African recipes suggestions and a full follow up consultation.

Price on Application