Although aspects of injury prevention and post exercise recovery are touched upon in all the sport specific programmes .The optimal recovery and injury prevention program is an in depth specific individualised plan formulated for your specific sporting needs and goals , having a big impact in your fitness , sports performance and allowing you to recover and train more effectively. Dependant on the individual presented it could include -sport specific post exercise recovery regeneration programmes , sports specific injury prevention advice and strategies, advice and strategies for optimising recovery through a combination of different modalities, lifestyle analysis, functional testing and genetic testing , advice on post exercise recovery and injury prevention, mind state training and a full in depth program looking at all areas needed for optimal recovery.
Price on application
Find the cause of your presenting pain with neurological testing. This will give you and your practitioner the knowledge to safely decide on treatment and if any referral are necessary. An assessment will be made with a professional patella ( reflex) tool and specific muscle and nerve testing procedures including assessment of myotomes and dermotomes. This is suitable for assessment and treatment of specific dysfunction within the neurological system leading to better treatment service and after care
Price on application.
Sharon is able to now offer kinesiology tapng . Kinesiology taping is a system that naturally assists in healing damages tissues and provides support to joints and muscles without causing restricted movement , preventing injuries and improving sports performance. It helps reduce pain , stabilises joints and helps with injury rehabilitation. It can be used for lower back pain, general knee pain, shoulder injuries and ankle sprains and much more. This method can be combined with trigger point therapy , sports massage and foam rolling to keep you injury free.
Price on application
Myo fascial release or trigger point therapy is a specialised form of manual therapy used for the effective treatment and rehabilitation of soft tissue and fascial tension and restrictions. The professional athlete can suffer a myriad of injuries , stresses and strains and myo fascial release can help release these areas causing pain and also help improve performance through increased flexibility, power and strength as well as improve fitness as a prophylactic against injury
Price on application
AIS OR active isolated stretching is a method of stretching and strengthening exercises to develop flexibility and strengthen specific muscle groups .AIS is a valid concept of injury prevention , rehab, sports training and performance , longevity enhancement and in general a healthier life style. AIS will help stimulate circulation to aid in lymph drainage, improves flexibility and health of muscles , tendons and ligaments and helps to realign collagen fibres and breaks down adhesions and reduces the risk of muscle strain.
Price on application
Muscle energy technique or MET is a direct active technique meaning it engages a restrictive barrier and requires the patients participation for maximal effect. Studies have shown MET improves functionality in people with disorders such as back pain. Body Coach Fitness is able to offer MET energy techniques for anyone who needs enhanced sports performance.
Price on application
Manual therapy or sports massage is a hands on approach offering the therapist a greater insight into a persons condition. It can detect tightness ,tissue temperature , joint mobility, muscle flexibility and muscle tone and can help address pain and swelling and muscle performance. If you want a preventative or curative method of soft tissue mobilisation , having regular sports massage and manual therapy sessions will help you achieve this.
Price on application
Body Coach Fitness is now able to offer electrotherapy to its customers. In the form of ultra sound .Used as an adjunct to other treatment therapies and can help relieve and accelerate the healing process after injury. The treatment is pain free and has no adverse side effects and is used frequently in acute sports injuries when pain and swelling are barriers to quick healing.
Price on application
Pre event massage plays an important and useful part in the prep prior to competition , events and sports games.By removing tension and metabolic waste from muscles built up whilst training in preparation. It serves to enhance performance and reduce injury during your event. It is a less deep form of soft tissue massage then post event massage working on superficial muscles and tissues and helps increase the blood flow to muscles ready for exercise. It can be schedules up to 3 days prior to your sports event and is aimed at responding to the athletes needs in the days leading up to the event.
Price from £50.00
Post event massage helps to reduce DOMS by flushing out metabolic waste built up in the body , helping the body heal and recover quicker. It is a deeper more advanced form of massage therapy and a crucial part of sports event recover and injury reduction. It will help identify minor injuries , muscle spasms and pains which could be masked by DOMS post event.Treatment can be started straight away post event and will help you to recover from the exertion of the event , help you return to a pre event states and help reduce metabolic waste in the body and aid in relaxation post event .
Price from £50.00
There is strong evidence that acupuncture is effective for relief of symptoms of inflammation and pain associated with sports injury. It has a stimulatory effect on the nerves, and reduces inflammation and improves muscle stiffness and joint mobility, .Body Coach Fitness is now able to offer acupuncture for sports injury improving your ability to recover from sports injury!
Price on application
Body Coach Fitness is now able to offer hydrotherapy for sports injury rehab in cooperation with a qualified physio. Unlike all other therapies hydrotherapy is a natural injury therapy and seems a fun way of treating injuries. The benefits of hydrotherapy are it aids in pain relief, aids in proper blood circulation to the injured area and aids in strengthening the immune system , aids in reducing stress and allows for faster healing .Ideal for sports injury rehab and wellness for better physical movement in every day life and sport.
Price on application
Body Coach Fitness now offers various biochemistry and genetic tests for sports injury as well as our sports injury nutrition program. This nutritional program will include suitable supplements for sports injuries and work towards optimal recovery from sports injury. It will include advisory nutritional programming for improved cellular energy , reduction of oxidative stress and inflammation and offers additional immune support as well. Helping increase circulation to the sports injury, and connective tissue support as well. Aiding in recovery and healing from sports injuries .This nutritional package is designed and customised to you as an individual and can be combined with other Body Coach Fitness testing, therapy and other nutrition programmes for best effect
Price on application
Body Coach Fitness will offer an assessment and treatment of the foot , ankle and lower limb. It will determine if there is leg alignment and leg stability/leg length discrepancy affecting normal and sufficient performance in your particular sport. Then in association with a podiatrist an appropriate choice of sports orthotic will be ordered for you to aid in better sports performance. The most common issues seen are shin splints, knee cap pain, calf strain and arch pain.
Price on application