Gene Track DNA

Weight Loss DNA Test

Discover the connections between DNA and weight loss .Having trouble
maintaining a healthy weight? Feeling frustrated with all the latest diet trends? The answer to these and many more questions could be your genes. With this at home test you can identify genetic factors affecting your weight and learn the most successful weight loss strategies to help you enhance weight loss. It will look at the following genetic variants- FTO, ADRB2, AMY1, APOA2, CLOCK, FABPL, FTO, GNP & much more.


Nutrition DNA Test

Find out if your genes put you at risk of nutritional deficiencies ,getting the right nutrients is key for health and well being .But did you know your genetic make up can affect how well our body absorbs nutrients such as vitamins and minerals .Our simple at home test will analyse areas of your nutrition through your genes. In just s few weeks you body will be able to process vitamins and minerals and work out potential risk factors of deficiencies via your DNA test results and you will be able to have a personalised nutrition plan worked out for you based on your Gene track Nutrition DNA test results.


Fitness DNA Test

Maximise your potential athletic performance through genetics and discover the power of genetics and how it shapes your fitness journey. Our DNA fitness test provides insights into your athletic potential guiding you to make informed decisions. In how to tailor work outs ,discover genetic factors and understand your bodys pain threshold and your risk to soft tissue injury and achilles tendinopathy.


Celiac Disease DNA Test

Find out whether you carry a gene associated with celiac disease. This test gives accurate results so you can plan for a gluten free diet. A negative result means there is less than 0.04% chance of getting celiac disease. Discover your risk through the Gene track celiac disease DNA test. This test look into the following gene markers- HLA-DQA105, HLA-DQB102, HLA-DQB10302 variants.


Warrior Gene DNA Test

Discover if you have a genetic variant linked to aggressive behaviourDo you react aggressively under stress? Could your business instincts be in your genes? If you carry the warrior gene you will a good strong decision maker! Identify the "warrior gene" with this test looking into MAOA gene variants .Men typically have a more pronounced effect than women on this test but this is not always the case.


Wander Lust DNA Test

Discover your passion for travel and adventure in your genes. Ever felt an urge to explore new places ? and dive into new adventures? It might be in your DNA! If your passion is travel get this DNA test looking into the gene variant DRD4. There are 7 or more repeats allele variants to test for and this test will explore all of these


Skincare DNA Test

Unlock your genetic risks for common skin conditions. Offer your skin the special attention it deserves from choosing the best products to diets and habits that will preserve its allure. Uncover the secrets of personalised skin care with this DNA test. It will detect DNA changes that influence your skin health ,it includes the likelihood of common skin conditions and sensitivity to the sun, it also uncovers the most effective ways to achieve flawless skin .A painless sample collection with confidential online results.

Price= £230.00

Alzheimers Disease DNA Test 

Discover your genetic predispositions to alzheimers disease .Unlock insights into your genetic risk for late onset alzheimers disease. Our easy to use DNA test  identifies the prescence of the APOE e4 variant. A key indicator linked to an increased risk of developing late onset alzheimers. A simple DNA collection method with easy to use swabs . It looks at APOE e2, APOE e3 and APOE e 4 variants and offers secure and confidential online results.


Diabetes Type 2 DNA Test

Are you at an increased risk of getting type 2 diabetes? Find out your genetic likelihood of developing diabetes type 2 with our DNA test. It detects over 40 markers associated with higher diabetes risks. It examines factors affecting glucose levels ,insulin production and response and fat metabolism. An easy to use mouth swab sample collection method with confidential online access to your test results.

Price= £230.00

Osteoporosis DNA test

Determine your genetic risk of osteoporosis .Wondering if your are giving your bones the care they need? This simple at home DNA test provides invaluable insights into genetic risk osteoporosis. Discover genetic markers associated with bone and cartilage wellbeing. Examine variants in 5 key genes linked to bone health:- CYP2R1,GC,WNT16,GDFT & COL1A1. Gain insights into how specific gene variants can influence your succeptibility to osteoporosis .Pain less and convenient at home sample collection.

Price= £180.00

Cardiovascular DNA Health Risk Test

Do you have a family history of heart attacks? Your genes might increase your risk of cardiovascular diseases. Our DNA test identifies genetic variants which are known to influence cardiovascular health.
It detects genetic markers related to cholesterol and tryglyceride levels and you will learn all about your risks and how to take steps to guard your heart health based upon test results .


Caffeine DNA Sensitivity  Test

Discover your bodys response to caffeine .Wondering if your caffeine consumption could be affecting your health? Find out how your body responds to caffeine with this DNA test .Learn whether you carry specific genetic variants that influence how you metabolise caffeine.If you are a slow metaboliser you might have an  elevated risk of heart attacks or high blood pressure .Collect your sample at home with this easy to use DNA swab test
