Personal Training

At Body Coach Fitness we help push and motivate individuals safely and effectively past their physical and mental boundaries. Allowing them to discover their true potential with workouts for the real world! Unleash your self lift heavy workout with intensity and move naturally! Wake up feeling full of vitality and energy, improve functional strength and feel destressed and relaxed enough to mentally and physically challenge yourself everyday! Improve your metabolic health and learn how to eat healthy, nutritious and nourishing foods to complement your exercise regime to build a healthy mind and body- Making fitness fun , affordable & effective & promoting a healthy lifestyle for all!

Personal Training Packages

1-1 single personal training session=£50.00 per person +travel expenses

1-1 personal training starter pack 5 sessions = £225.00

1-1 personal training package 10 sessions =£450.00

Bronze personal training package 1 personal training session per week for 8 weeks =£350.00

Silver personal training package 2 personal training sessions per week for 8 weeks =£650.00

Gold personal training package 3 sessions per week for 8 weeks including photo analysis ,pre & post program measurements and email support including a complete nutrition package =£1100.00

Platinum training package a 12 week training package with 3 pt sessions per week also including a complete nutrition package 
= £ 1500.00

Sports massage for 1 hour =£60.00 per hr

Annual Coaching Package

Recently we conducted a survey and found that 1 in 5 people who started a fitness regime did not follow through with their programon a long term basis ,usually due to lack of guidance and support in the first year. The annual training package is designed for people who need extra professional guidance ,motivation and support through their fitness journey and to set goals and achieve results. As part of a long term commitment and investment in their own health, fitness and personal wellness and success.
The plan consists of the first 4 sessions over the first 4 week period and then the remaining 11 sessions ( 1 per month) over the next 11 months of the year at regular intervals for program review ,fitness assessments ,nutritional guidance and setting evaluation of fitness goals. This is an affordable way of keeping on track and to be happier, and healthier for a brighter future.


Myzone PT Packages

Combine the latest technology with a personalised program of exercise .The Myzone PT package a range of personal training packages starting from 4 sessions + a Myzone belt.Achieve more by training in your most efficient training zones with specialist personal training programmes designed for you .

Myzone Basic

4 personalised personal training sessions with your own Myzone belt tracker included ( to track and monitor progress and to help achieve your goals) .Acheive more in your training program using efficient training zones with a specialist personal training program for you. This bespoke packagewill offer you an ultimate training package and a starting point to your myzone training  journey! 

Myzone Gold Package

A Myzone package looking more in depth at your overall lifestyle including nutritional analysis and professional supplemental advice from your practitioner for enhanced performance ,energy and vitality for everyday life and sport.Starting from 4 personal training sessions + a Myzone belt +nutritional and supplemental advice and recomendation plan 


Myzone Premium Package

Myzone premium package is a comprehensive package looking at your lifestyle , nutrition and supplementation needs and also functional blood chemistry and genetic testing to ensure you are training more efficiently to your bodies needs and genotype .Myzone premium package starts from 4 personal training sessions + nutritional and lifestyle analysis,  supplementation advice and functional testing

Price = From £400.00+ ( dependant on functional tests used )

MZ3 Fitness & Health Assessment Package

The MZ3 fitness and health assessment package can be added to any other PT/nutrition package as an evaluation /assessment tool to analyse and track your progress and achievements and create future training programmes based on the specifics.You will have a 3D body scan via the MZ body scan,and weigh yourself on the MZ20 home scale recording body weight and body fat statistics and your biometric profile so analysing and tracking your progress in between PT sessions. Body Coach Fitness will also be able to do a periodic fitness and health assessment via this MZ fitness feature.In between fitness assessments you can improve your fitness through a library of functional MZ videos that will play and guide you on the correct activity,intensity level and correct movements. A truly customised fitness and health assessment /evaluation package utilising the latest fitness technology!

Price On Application

Myzone Wellness Bundle

Body Coach Fitness now offers a Myzone Wellness bundle .Feel the power of Myzone , feel good about exercise .Myzone is an accurate and versatile heart rate tracker wearable.Stay up to date with your health and fitness progress through your Myzone portal or Myzone app with this Myzone Wellness bundle .This will include -an in body assessment, Myzone fitness tracker and belt, Body Coach Fitness healthy heart booklet,water bottel/hydration pack and hand towel.

Price on Application

Myzone Sports Bundle

Body Coach Fitness now offers a Myzone Sports bundle.Feel the power of Myzone , feel good about your sports performance .Myzone has 99.4% accuracy and is a versatile heart rate tracker for the discerning athlete in you. Stay up to date with your performance and progress through your Myzone portal or Myzone app with this Sports bundle A Myzone Sports bundle will include-an in body assessment, Myzone fitness belt and trcaker, Body Coach Fitness  Sports nutrition booklet, water/hydration pack and hand towel

Price On Application

Commit 2 Get Fit Package

Make a pledge to commit 2 get fit and make exercise and a healthy nutritious diet part of your every day life.Sign up to a Body Coach Fitness yearly contract/agreement - 1 year of professional personal training, nutritional advice and other benefits such as discounts on the online shop page and health and nutrition incentives .Choose to pay the full amount up front for the year or monthly instalments but you have to commit 2 get fit .Think of this as a lifestyle choice and investing in your future health and fitness!

Price for 52 sessions £2250.00

Group Personal Training

Shared small group personal training is for people who prefer to train as a couple , or with friends or family or work colleagues. Share the cost of one to one personal training at home,in the gym or at work! All the benefits of one to one PT but sharing the cost so less to pay! From 2-4  people maximum per session.All will recieve an individual consultation and work out program tailored to their goals!

Couples =£45.00 per session
3 people =£42.50 per session
4 people =£40.00 per session

Body Coach Fitness Forces Fitness

Body Coach Fitness Forces programmes are designed to prepare you for the pre fitness screening entry tests that have to be passed prior to joining the armed forces, fire fighting service ,polic and health screening for nurses.

Army-In order to join the regular army or territorial army you are required to prove that you are fit enough for the job.Pre selection fitness tests include-static lifts, dynamic lifts, jerry can lifts and timed runs

Navy-The navy and royal marines requires a high level of fitness and part of the recruitment process tests for MSFT tests involving testing different aspects of fitness

Royal Marines-Tests for MSFT , strength, and cv fitness such as push pull strength tests ( press up/pull ups) and timed runs

RAF-The royal air force requires both physical and mental strength and cv fitness with specific fitness testing requirements including timed runs and upper and lower body strength.

Police-Many aspects of strength and cv endurance are tested for such as the standard bleep test( shuttle runs), sit ups , timed runs and core strength

Nurses-Although there is not set fitness screening process to enter nursing in the UK it is required that you have a health screen to see you are fit for the job.

Body Coach Fitness Forces Fitness programmes will assess your current fitness and strength levels and carry out fitness tests (suitable for which ever forces role you are entering) which will then be completed at the end of a 6 week program to look for improvements. During the 6 weeks your fitness program will be targeted at developing the necessary areas of fitness that is required for the relevant screening process.The forces program can be used as an ongoing evaluation to see your progress and maintain a suitable level of fitness required for your new role after selection.The fitness programmes will be based on functional movements and activities required for the role and to improve relevant aspects of both strength, core and cardiovascular endurance necessary.

Price on Application

Myzone Forces Fitness

Body Coach Fitness now offers special discount packages for all major UK services industry/forces including NHS health workers, fire services, teachers, police ,prison officers and MOD defence workers . You will also have the option of signing up to Body Coach Fitness 6 week Forces fitness program above as part of the package. The myzone system will provide motivational tracking with health benefits for all key workers across the country.

Price on Application

Buddy Up

A mentoring program with a difference .That encourages all people to adopt a lifestyle by training together but at their own pace.The idea is not just group training but a fitness mentoring system to encourage and monitor the training of others eg- the fitness mentor will encourage and monitor the training of the participant and at the same time they will train at their own pace and level in order to mutually encourage regular fitness activity. Body Coach Fitness will design  a training program for the fitness mentees and then pair them up with some one who has similar goals eg- to lose weight , run faster or to get more flexible.After you are paired up a training schedule will be set up and you learn each others programmes to help guide each other through the exercise routine .This way you can learn from each other and monitor each others goals as well as creating a more engaging and pro active approach to helping yourself and others to achieve their fitness goals!

Step by Step Process-
- Join up as a fitness mentor 
-Meet your fitness mentor/mentee
-Learn each others programmes
-Set up a schedule and start training together and monitor each others progress 
-Monitor and evaluate participants and this can be supervised via Skype to ensure proper participation and tracking of fitness goals

Become part of the Body Coach Fitness Buddy Up scheme and join a community of people working towards more active participation
in physical activity and sports

Price on Application 

PA For Fitness

If you are in need of both work organisation  and fitness and nutritional motivation and you are committed to both your home/work life and fitness goals . Body Coach Fitness PA For fitness may be what you are looking for.A unique concept where by your PT is also your PA  or lifestyle scheduler ! You choose the level of requirements you need to achieve your goals - short term and longer term assistance eg- on travelling ,on business trips ,work based /home based , family holidays or just every day motivation or  a last minute wedding,birthday or special occasion to get ready for any other specific goals.All details need to be agreed to create a professional PA fitness contract. The ideal solution for busy time poor individuals.Choose from just a couple of days to longer term contracts to stay on track of your fitness goals!A professional fitness contract for serious people .Create your own healthy lifetstyle journey with the Body Coach Fitness PA For Fitness Program.

Price On Application & dependant on contract terms

Use It Or Lose It

Most of us have elderly relatives ,one type has trouble walking & one type plays tennis and is sociable and sharp. We offer a program "use it or lose it " based on neuro scientists research at Hintsa, to help keep your brain cognitive and mentally sharp. The brain is an amazing organ and its very resilient and adaptable, think about the brain as the same as muscles. Education is early cognitive muscle building that you can benefit from in later life ,like protection from neuro degenerative disease. We offer you 5 ways to build cognitive stimuli eg:- picking a truly challenging activity each day, and creating daily cognitive skill development processes adapting movement skills to improve brain health and creating social connection as a protective cognitive function and focused and repeated practice helping grow the brain cells for active movement  eg " the hippocampus region for walking interventions"

Price On Application

Online Dementia Cafe

Did you know that more than 920,000 people live in the UK with dementia, yet 77% of people feel there are still misconceptions surrounding the condition. Our online dementia cafe encourages people to talk about different topics associated with dementia. We have developed a holistic and forward thinking approach to the delivery of dementia care, and we recognise the importance of helping to navigate through challenging stages. Join us on our online dementia cafe meetings and enjoy virtual coffee and tea. Meet others with dementia and share experiences with enjoyable activities advice and support.

Price on Application

Green Exercise & The Natural Environment

The world health organisation defines health as a "state of complete physical mental and social well being, not merely the absence of disease or infirmity".  percentage of the human race is living within urban areas. Exposure to the benefits of training and holistic health is paramount. There are increased pollution levels in urban areas to suggest air pollution increases cardiovascular morbidity. We will offer exercise techniques and tips and tricks and basic guidelines for how to maximise the benefits of training whilst in an urban environment. We will also cover about elevated noise levels and how  nearby green areas is important for well being and the prevalence of stress related psychosocial symptoms in addition to increasing the use of spaces out doors. We will also look into mental health and the natural environment and how people with mental issues benefit from green exercise. We will create a green living exercise plan with exposure to the natural environment.

Price on Application

MOD & Armed Forces Mental Health First Aid 

Body Coach Fitness now offers a MOD and armed forces mental health first aid program. With an in depth understanding of mental health & the factors that affect well being for the armed forces community. It offers practical skills to spot the triggers and signs of mental health issues and gives you the confidence to reassure and support a person in distress and offers interpersonal skills such as non judgemental listening. We also offer the knowledge to help some one recover their mental well being by guiding them to further support with resources through the MOD ministry of defence and other charities in the local area.

Price on Application

University & Further Education Mental Health First Aid

Everyone is aware of mental health challenges in a university environment which can bring staff and students into a crisis situation. We offer a mental health aid support program for when dealing with academic pressures ,financial worries ,rising debts and uncertainty of a graduates job. All of which can trigger a mental health problem or worsen existing mental health issues. 78% of students experience mental health issues in a given year and 68% of academics with mental health issues say their ill health is directly related to work. Body Coach Fitness offers training and support for both staff and students in further education settings. You will learn and gain skills and confidence to spot the signs of mental health issues and to help speed up recovery. We provide positive well being and raise awareness in the people around you .We will help create a future when we all know how to look after our mental well being.

Price on Application

Functional Fitness & Food for Physically Demanding occupations

Workers in physically demanding occupations PDO are at greater risk of heat and strain and illness compared to sedentary relaxed more office based workers. Support and intake of protein carbohydrates & fats and water are even more important for this work category. To maintain work performance and maintain health status and to prevent dehydration .In the UK extreme environments are not as naturally prevalent as in other areas of the world eg Australia, America and Asia and Africa for instance ,however extremes of temperatures are becoming more common place here as well. Specific occupational workers are more vunerable to this world wide due to both natural and un natural reason eg fire fighters, military workers, agricultural and horticultural workers and construction workers . Here at Body Coach Fitness we off fitness and nutrition programmes combined for PDO's world wide (online and face to face) looking at their more detailed and specific demanding needs for accurate levels of protein etc in food and adequate hydration levels through both supplements and water and electrolyte drinks and powders. In this program will will tell you everything you need to know to ensure you keep fit and healthy as a PDO worker without having to spend a fortune and look out for special ingredients . A new functional food and fitness approach for PDO' s worldwide

Price on Application